Tuesday 25 June 2013

DTN News - SYRIA UNREST AL-QAEDA CONNECTION: Turkish Allies Flying 'New al-Qaeda' Fighters To Syria With U.S. Support - Report

DTN News -  SYRIA UNREST AL-QAEDA CONNECTION: Turkish Allies Flying 'New al-Qaeda' Fighters To Syria With U.S. Support - Report
*"A new Al-Qaeda has been created in the region through the financial and logistical backup ofTurkey... and a number of western states, [e]specially the US..."
Source: DTN News - - This article compiled by Roger Smith from reliable sources By Timothy Whiteman - Examiner.com
(NSI News Source Info) TORONTO, Canada - June 24, 2013: Our NATO partner's and long considered one of our closest allies in the Muslim world, the Turks are now reportedly using their national airlines to ferry al-Qaeda terrorists to fight with the rebels in the Syrian Civil War, all with the support and approval of both the American and British governments, as reported by the London-based Muslim news portal Ahlul Bayt News Agency (ABNA) on June 22, 2013.
The Turkish Connection...
Cited only as a military source speaking on the grounds of anonymity, the source accused the Turkish intelligence agency of sending 93 al-Qaeda and Taliban terrorists from their training camps in Pakistan's lawless Waziristan province to the Turkish province of Hatay on the Turkish-Syrian coastal border.
Previous reports by ABNA have cited Turkey's national airline, Turkish Air, of transporting al-Qaeda and Taliban militants from North Waziristan in Pakistan to the Turkish borders with Syria.
According to the covert source, all 93 terrorists were passengers on the Karachi-Istanbul flight route, Turkish Air No. 709 on September 10, 2012.
Reportedly, all those transported were originally from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan and a group of Arabs already residing in Waziristan.
The Iraq Connection...
The anonymous source stated that over 65 percent of the Salafi fighting with the Syrian rebels in the Syrian province of Deir Ezzor are Afghans who have sworn allegiance to the al-Qaeda terrorist organization.
The unidentified source contends that these specific soon-to-be American equipped al-Qaeda fighters entered the eastern Syrian province via Iraq only after completing al-Qaeda training in Iraq.
The Obama Administration Connection...
ABNA reports that with Turkey, the U.S. and various Persian Gulf nations backing them, al-Qaeda has set up a new training camp for Salafi (radical Islamic fundamentalists) and Jihadi (Islamist global domination) terrorists in Northern Waziristan.
"A new Al-Qaeda has been created in the region through the financial and logistical backup of Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and a number of western states, [e]specially the US," a source told the Fars News Agency of Iran (FNA) last September.
ABNA quotes FNA's Ali Mahdian that the US and the British governments have been "playing with the al-Qaeda through their Arab proxy regimes in the region in a bid to materialize their goals, specially in Syria."
He went on to state that the Saudi and Qatari regimes serve as go-betweens to "facilitate the CIA and (British) MI6 plans in Syria through instigating terrorist operations by Salafi and Arab Jihadi groups, adding that the terrorists do not know that they actually exercise the US plans."
Yet, the source said the US and Britain are looking at the new Al-Qaeda force as an instrument to attain their goals and do not intend to support them to ascend to power, "because if Salafi elements in Syria ascend to power, they will create many problems for the US, the Western states and Turkey in future."
"Thus, the US, Britain and Turkey are looking at the Al-Qaeda as a tactical instrument," he said, and warned of the regional and global repercussions of the US and Turkish aid to the Al-Qaeda and Salafi groups.
As previously covered by Examiner.com, the Obama Administration has authorized the transfer of American arms and ammunition to the various Syrian rebel groups, to include the largest, the al-Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra li-Ahl al-Sham (The Front for the Protection of the Syrian People), also popularly known as the al-Nusra Front.

*Link for This article compiled by Roger Smith from reliable sources By Timothy Whiteman - Examiner.com
*Speaking Image - Creation of DTN News ~ Defense Technology News 
*Photograph: IPF (International Pool of Friends) + DTN News / otherwise source stated
*This article is being posted from Toronto, Canada By DTN News ~ Defense-Technology News Contact:dtnnews@ymail.com 

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